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How to Save Your Keyboard If You’ve Spilled Water on It

If you’ve ever spilled water on your keyboard, you know how devastating it can be. Not only is it frustrating to have a malfunctioning keyboard, but it can also be expensive to replace it. But don’t panic! There are several steps you can take to save your keyboard if you’ve spilled water on it.

spilled water on keyboard
How to Save Your Keyboard If You’ve Spilled Water on It

Act quickly

The first thing you need to do is to act quickly. The longer you wait, the higher the chances of permanent damage to your keyboard. So, as soon as you spill water on your keyboard, turn off your computer and unplug the keyboard. This will prevent any electrical damage.

Remove excess water

Before you start drying your keyboard, you need to remove excess water. You can do this by wiping the surface of the keyboard with a dry cloth or paper towel. Make sure you remove as much water as possible from between the keys.

Dry your keyboard

Once you’ve removed excess water, it’s time to dry your keyboard. You can do this in several ways:

  • Use a hairdryer: Set your hairdryer to low heat and low speed. Hold it about six inches away from your keyboard and blow air over it for about 15 minutes. Keep moving the dryer around to make sure you dry all areas of the keyboard.
  • Use rice: Put your keyboard in a bag of uncooked rice and seal it tightly. Leave it for at least 24 hours. The rice will absorb the moisture from your keyboard.
  • Use silica gel packets: If you have silica gel packets lying around, you can use them to dry your keyboard. Put your keyboard in a bag with the silica gel packets and leave it for at least 24 hours.

Clean your keyboard

After your keyboard has dried completely, you may notice some sticky residue on the keys. You can clean your keyboard by following these steps:

  • Remove the keycaps: Using a keycap puller or a flat tool like a butter knife, gently pull off the keycaps.
  • Clean the keycaps and keyboard: Use a damp cloth to wipe the keycaps and keyboard. Make sure you don’t get any water in the switches.
  • Let it dry: Leave the keycaps and keyboard to dry completely before reinstalling the keycaps.

Test your keyboard

Once you’ve cleaned your keyboard, it’s time to test it. Plug it back into your computer and check if all the keys are working correctly. If you notice any issues, repeat the drying and cleaning process.


Spilling water on your keyboard can be stressful, but it’s not the end of the world. By acting quickly and following the steps outlined above, you can save your keyboard from permanent damage.


Can I use a wet cloth to clean my keyboard?

No, you should never use a wet cloth to clean your keyboard. Water can seep into the switches and cause damage.

How long should I leave my keyboard in rice?

You should leave your keyboard in rice for at least 24 hours.

Can I use a vacuum cleaner to remove excess water?

No, you should never use a vacuum cleaner to remove excess water as it can cause static electricity, which can damage your keyboard.

What should I do if my keyboard still doesn’t work after drying and cleaning it?

If your keyboard still doesn’t work after drying and cleaning it, you may need to replace it.

Is it possible to prevent spills on my keyboard?

Yes, you can prevent spills on your keyboard by using a spill-resistant keyboard cover or by being more careful when using liquids around your keyboard.

Visit our website to looking for the type of keycaps that fits your keyboard. Here you can also find out our newest collection of keycaps such as Artisan keycapsAnime keycapsPokemon keycapsBacklit keycaps, etc.

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